Our service is made possible my maximising the potential of our IT infrastructure with automated
systems, meaning we keep out running costs low so we don't have to charge signup fee's and monthly fee's
like those of our competitors. This means you get the same quality service you would expect and the same
cost effective solutions you would come to expect from The Quick Group of Companies.
Infrastructure Using a Telsys telecommunications switch in Telehouse, Docklands UK, we
interconnect with the BT telephone network aswell as interconnections with a number of other
OLO (other licenced operators). Fed from our switch we also have three IVR (Interactive Voice Recognition)
systems which provide not only the "Fax to Email" services but also voicemail and a range of other
services soon to be launched.
Management of the numbers you have with us is done through a web interface available through this
website, or by dailing a dedicated "management number" given to you when you signup for the number (UMS
only). The web management side interfaces direct with our telecoms hardware and all changes are done in
real time, and the management number is controlled through our IVR systems and again is carried out in
real time. This is a significant advantage over some of our competitors who quote up to 48 hours for
changes to take affect to number routing!
We are continually developing our systems, and as such new and exciting products are always coming
onboard. If a service you require is not advertised here please contact us as we no doubt have the
facilities to provide it for you.